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Sale prices on items

Sale prices on items

To prevent inflation and create a more balanced experience, selling prices of different items are lowered for economic reasons.

ImageItem IDNameOld Selling PriceNew Selling Price
Mastela Fruit522Mastela Fruit4,250 z3,250 z
Royal Jelly526Royal Jelly3,500 z2,500 z
Piece of Cake539Piece of Cake1,500 z1,200 z
Pearl722Pearl3,000 z2,200 z
Crystal Mirror747Crystal Mirror7,500 z5,000 z
Witherless Rose748Witherless Rose27,500 z5,000 z
Frozen Rose749Frozen Rose17,500 z5,000 z
Stiletto1217Stiletto9,750 z7,200 z
Gold Ring2610Gold Ring15,500 z5,500 z
Diamond Ring2613Diamond Ring22,500 z7,500 z
Green Salad12065Green Salad5,000 z2,000 z
Khukri13006Khukri120,000 z25,000 z
Red Blood990Red Blood500 z300 z
Crystal Blue991Crystal Blue500 z300 z
Wind of Verdure 992Wind of Verdure500 z300 z
Green Live993Green Live500 z300 z